I invite you to visit my virtual gallery, featuring the paintings I have created between my graduation from the Fine Arts Academy and the present moment, i.e. over the period spanning fifty years of my artistic work. In 1966 I graduated from the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architectural Painting and since then I have exhibited my work both in Poland and abroad.
My paintings are part of the collections held by the National Museum in Wroclaw, Warsaw, Ludwigshafen and the Vatican, as well as private collections, including the collection of the President Roman Kaczorowski. I have also worked as a stage designer for the Kalambur Theatre in Wroclaw and actively participated in the work of the District of Four Denominations and Mutual Respect Foundation in Wroclaw. For many years, I have also worked with the Gardzienice Theatre near
Lublin and the Song of the Goat Theatre in Wroclaw, as well as with the Voices Foundation of Anna Zubrzycki.
I invite you to join a dialogue and share your reflections and thoughts on the paintings presented here. The paintings are available for purchase and prices are negotiable. For over 20 years, my art has been inspired by the Jewish tradition. Its exploration manifested in grand “cycles” of paintings, including: